What Clients are Saying!

Live On Purpose Course (formally known as Co-Create Your Passionate Purpose):

"My biggest a-ha was realizing my power and taking it back and what's more clear now is how to clear my blocks!" ~ Amy Nipp

“I’m more clear to take action on the things I'm passionate about!” ~ Course Participant

"Karmen helped me see there are new ways I can use my passion to feel like I’m helping the world, and gave me that sense of clarity I needed to get started." ~ Angela Leisure


“Before the Live On Purpose Course I was in search of clarity on my passion and career path.  Not only in those 8 weeks did I figure out clarity for my career, I also was able to formulate a marketing plan for our new business. What drew me into this course was a desire to intertwine my missions and values with my passions to figure out the best career path. My favorite part about the course was learning more about Astrology and Numerology and how you can use them in every aspect of your life. My ‘a-ha’ moment was when we did the marketing brain dump. It was so fascinating how everything came together synergistically with a simple tool that Karmen teaches you.” — Jen

"I have worked with Karmen over the last 8 weeks attending the Live on Purpose web class / course.  During this 8 week period, I learned how to use a pendulum to answer questions and provide guidance in decision making, which in turn helped me build self confidence. I have also learned to pay attention to my angels and the messages they send me on a regular basis. Letting go of things and people that no longer serve me and my higher good was a challenge before this class. Karmen has been instrumental in helping me learn how “hanging on” to things and people that do not serve my higher good are holding me back from my living the life I want to live. We also spent a good amount of time learning about our personal numerology and astrology, which was very enlightening. Overall this class was very helpful in getting me “unstuck” and becoming more self-aware. 

Journaling is also a large part of the class and I encourage you to purchase Karmen’s Journal, Co-Create You Abundant Passionate Purposeful Life.  

This class will help you move off center and get decisive about your life. If you are wanting a closer relationship with God, this class helped me with that as well. 

Karmen is a true leader and friend. I value her insight  and expertise and her coaching skills are top notch and bar none.  She asks great questions and helps you get to the root of the issue. 

I recommend this class to anyone that is wanting to increase their self-awareness and get unstuck and live the life they have dreamed of." ~ Sandy L.

"I thoroughly enjoyed this course. I looked forward to every class because I knew I was going to learn a new skill to help me reach my highest good.

Before this course, I felt stuck. I was meditating, and trying to raise my vibration, but I was blocked. I didn't know what the block was, or how to get past it. I had also lost my joy. I didn't even know what would make me happy anymore.

Karmen gave me the tools to reconnect with my higher self. (Be honest and dig deep on your homework!) She creates a special connection with each student and works with them to achieve their desired outcome.  I am now finally enjoying my life amidst the daily grind.

I was able to learn how to identify and remove the blocks that were holding me down. I have successfully raised my vibration and I am manifesting experiences that I've been wanting for a long time. Life looks a whole lot brighter, and I'm not the only one who has noticed the change. My co workers often tell me how my attitude has changed, and how much happier I am. What's the difference?  I've realized what my gifts are, and I am using them in all aspects of my life. I am more confident in myself because I have the tools to fix any issues that may arise, and if I do have questions, I know Karmen will be there to help me.

Whether you are wanting to find your path, or you've been walking it for years, Karmen and this course will help you light the way." ~ Love and light, Amy Nipp

"Co-create your passionate purpose has guided me to listen to my higher self, see the signs and keep myself accountable. I have developed meditation practices that encourage my self-awareness and helps me see the larger picture every day. I was excited to begin this journey because I felt that my goals and dreams wouldn’t come true unless I got clear about my purpose. The prompts Karmen gives in the course helped me better figure out how to live my life full of intention. I have grown significantly through a lot of self-reflection, meditation and observation that this course encourages. I truly appreciate the offerings in the co-create your passionate purpose course and would recommend it to anyone looking to define their passions and connect with their higher self." ~ Joey

"The day that I had my energy balanced and Angel card reading, I shifted drastically from being in a serious funk to seeing positive possibilities for my life. Truly incredible! My excitement & attitude change caused a friend to see Karmen 10 days after my appointment.

Now 4 weeks later I'm enrolled in "Co-Create Your Passionate Purpose" class that Karmen teaches and I'm actually engaged with life. I have been following her suggestions (meditating - (never before), journaling - (never before)) and waking up happy & curious about what today will bring vs "here we go again!" I am looking forward.

Having Karmen come into my life is nothing short of a miracle (a little cheesy, maybe - and true.) If you're contemplating an energy re-balance and Angel card reading, my advice - "have faith & do it." You WILL think about life differently!" ~ Lisa

Coaching Sessions:

"I met Karmen rather randomly and was instantly drawn to her energy. After learning about her journey and the services she offers, I have had the pleasure of experiencing a Chakra balancing and angel card reading. I also completed her 1:1 program.  Karmen has opened my mind to many wonderful, exciting and sometimes scary things about life and myself. I truly feel so much better and more optimistic about the path I’m on.  Karmen has given me the tools to weather the ups and downs we all face everyday. I have felt so much more peace in my life since I’ve started this journey. I look forward to continuing to learn and grow through Cocktails + Cosmos and meditation classes.  Thanks Karmen!" ~

Creating a Life you Love Workshop (formerly known as Create Your Vision Workshop):

"I loved it all! It was hard work but fun, energetic, and contemplative."

"My favorite part was connecting and sharing space with other women. It reminds me that we're all on the same journey."

"My favorite part was resting in the salt meditation, stones, dancing, and Karmen's wisdom, beauty, and grace."

"My favorite part was finding out about so many possibilities and making new connections. My heart is open and I get to see other people's lives/worlds."

"My favorite part was the connection experienced with the group and also the individual conversations that helped everyone although initially directed to one person. The experience was a great way to connect who are like-hearted."

"The salt room was awesome! Karmen walking us through each step and talking it through made it all make sense."

"It gives me a forecast of my next six months."

Daily Journal:

"This is a great tool to help you get up every day, set an intention, and live your life with purpose. I've learned so much about myself and my experiences since beginning my journal." ~ Sara Rivera

"What I love about this journal is how it keeps my intentions at the front of my mind. It keeps me on track to reach each goal and grow as a person. My favorite thing is the weekly card readings that go along with it. Karmen has put much care into this journal and continues to do so with those card readings." ~ Angela Leisure